
Boomerang Bosun

Getting started

To quickly get started with Bosun, install into a kubernetes cluster of 1.13+ via Helm using the following commands

Step 1

Ensure a kubernetes namespace and MongoDB are installed

Step 2

Ensure you have a docker registry secret in your namespace for access to GitHub packages. Follow the instructions to get the github token.

kubectl create secret docker-registry boomerang.registrykey --docker-server=docker.pkg.github.com --docker-username=<github_username> --docker-password=<github_token> --docker-email=<github_email> --namespace=<namespace>

Step 3

Download the helm chart

curl -LO https://github.com/boomerang-io/boomerang.docs/raw/stable/content/bmrg-bosun-$CHART_VERSION.tgz

Step 4

Install the helm chart

helm install --namespace <namespace> --set database.mongodb.host=<service_name> --set database.mongodb.secretName=<mongodb_secret> bmrg-bosun-$CHART_VERSION.tgz

Or Manually

Extract the values.yaml from the helm chart and update the values in detail

helm inspect values bmrg-bosun-1.0.4.tgz > bmrg-bosun-values.yaml
vi bmrg-bosun-values.yaml
helm install --namespace <namespace> -f bmrg-bosun-values.yaml bmrg-bosun-$CHART_VERSION.tgz