What's new

Get a quick overview of what has been added, changed, improved, or deprecated in version 3.9.0 released 24 May 2022.

This release brings stabilization and security with fixes across the board for security.

You can find all the associated versions for this release on our GitHub Release as well as install via our Helm chart


  • Fixed the importing a workflow functionality into the "My Workflows" area. Although the UI showed that the workflow was imported, the list of my workflows was not updated.


  • Refactored HTTP task to incorporate different Success, Retry and Error codes
  • Refactor Google Auth to simplify required data in the Google Tasks
  • Updated "Upload File To Box" to increase the version of the file if it is already present on Box

APIs & Events

  • Fixed the user creation API, initially creating two instances of the User entity


  • Upgraded the helm chart to work with latest NGINX Ingress Controller and Kube 1.22+

Stablity and Security

  • Updated the components to Spring boot 2.6.6
  • Removed the sensitive data that was sent in the server's response